module 4 - being a peer educator

Exercise 1 - What is peer education ?

Duration Objective Method
15 minutes Be able to describe who  a 'peer' is and what 'peer education' is

 1. Active reading of page 17 and top of page 18 in the Toolkit for quality peer education (European Peer Training Organisation, 2016)


2. Video "what is peer education" of the Scottish Peer Education Network

peer education toolkit_EN.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 3.8 MB

Exercise 2 - The role of the peer educator

Duration Objective Method
10 minutes understand and clarify the role of a peer educator

 Active reading of pages 2 and 3 of the Guide for peer educators (ECPAT in Sénégal)

Guide Sénégal
Livret Manuel pairs_pour impression.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 2.5 MB

Exercise 3 - facilitating a session with youth

Duration Objective Method
15 minutes Understand the different steps of facilitating a session   

Active reading of the guidelines for facilitating a session.

Conception et réalisation avec le soutien de HAA , l'agence technique et de création pour les Droits de l'Enfant