module 2 - cse online



There are many ways in which children can be abused and exploited online. This includes the fact that a person takes, distributes or sells images of child sexual abuse.

Exercise 1 - cyber bullying

Duration Objective Method
10 minutes Be able to identify different forms of cyber bullying  Active reading of "online bullying" fact sheet developed for EYT based on the Guide pratique pour lutter contre le cyber-harcèlement entre élèves
Harcèlement en ligne
Online bullying.pdf
Document Adobe Acrobat 355.1 KB

Exercise 2 - Sexting and sextortion

Duration Objective Method
10 minutes Be informed of 'sextortion' and how not to be tricked

 Active watching of 2 videos:

- Comic movie of the Levis Police  (Canada). Ignore contacts of the Canadian police and use contacts on instead

- Video "rat taupe" of the Canadian Child Protection center (English with French subtitles)

Exercise 3 - online safety tips

Duration Objective Method
10 minutes Be informed of basic online safety behaviour

Watch advice from youtuber Josh Shipp

optional DOCUMENTS

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Conception et réalisation avec le soutien de HAA , l'agence technique et de création pour les Droits de l'Enfant